Old Boys Network 'Stronger than ever'

Press   –   Source details   –   14 December 2020

Moloney Search has recently spoken with the Mail on Sunday regarding diversity in executive search and the coronavirus impact

The old boys' network in the City has been made 'stronger than ever' by the Covid-19 pandemic, a top headhunter has warned. 

Curly Moloney, who runs Moloney Search, said she had seen many cases this year of bosses appointing male acquaintances to top roles over more diverse candidates, because of 'fear of the unknown'. 

She added: 'They see diversity as taking a risk. The City was nervous anyway, then they had the pandemic and would rather run the risk of having their wrists slapped over diversity than commercially getting something wrong.' ...

To read the rest of the article in the Mail on Sunday City section, please follow the link below:


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