Kristine Black-Hawkins appointed Trustee of Swire Chinese Language Foundation

Article   –   2 November 2020

Kristine Black-Hawkins appointed Trustee

Swire Chinese Language Foundation is a private initiative funded by John Swire and Sons to better create centres of learning and excellence for teaching school children of all ages. It was set up to mark the 200th Anniversary of the company and 150 years of the Swire Group. Currently there are 12 centres and 167 schools participating.

Kristine began her career teaching in schools and working for local Government and is now a Reader in Inclusive Education, at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. She is also Deputy Head (Education portfolio) for the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University. She has held a Guest Lectureship at Bielefeld University, Germany and a Teaching Fellowship at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Kristine’s research focuses on how the development of teachers as professionals, and schools as institutions, can support the achievements of all learners including those most vulnerable to educational marginalisation.

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