Oman attracts Top Global Talent

Press   –   Source details   –   1 October 2015

In a recent Moloney Middle East report surveying more than 200 international C Suite executives, 74% named Oman as their GCC country of choice were they to work in the Middle East.  Reviewing senior international shortlists presented to government entities and family holdings in Oman over the past three years, 51% of successful candidates came from the UK with European and American candidates securing 21% and 9% respectively.  Asked about motivating factors, over 82% identified the stability, tolerance and family friendly nature of Oman and 78% highlighted attractive commercial opportunities linked to economic diversification.  


The Moloney Report also studied sector specifics and recorded that 71% of those senior infrastructure leaders questioned were interested or very interested in new Oman based opportunities compared to 27% in finance and 31% in retail.  


The country is currently embarking on a number of significant strategic developments in land, air and sea infrastructure.  Duqm port with over two and half kilometres of dry dock quays will dominate the Indian Ocean whilst the three billion dollar new airport development and national rail project will create an integrated logistics hub ideally positioned to bypass the costs of passage through the straits of Hormuz.  


A trusted advisor to Omani corporations and MD of the London based Executive Search firm, Dr Curly Moloney, remarks that, “Oman is increasingly attracting some of the world’s top talent to advise corporate and government organisations in the delivery of major projects.   The country’s combination of stability and safety with a people who are truly visionary and eager to advance their economy is incredibly attractive to CEO’s and Non-Executive Directors.” 

Reflecting the Sultanate’s reputation as the ‘Jewel of Arabia,’ 83% of those questioned see Oman as a longer term move of at least four years compared to 79% who would not wish to stay any longer than three years in Dubai.  


Sovereign wealth entities such as Oman Oil and the State General Reserve Fund (SGRF), as well as major Omani corporations including Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) and the Duqm Development, have long favoured retaining British talent to advise on international expansion and growth and this trend looks set to continue.  Prof Tim Evans of Middlesex University, a government advisor on public private health solutions identified Muscat’s Medical City as “the next step in Oman’s profile as an emerging leader in regional health tourism.”  Identified by the UN as the number one country in the world for medical and educational development over a forty-year period, Oman has already sought out senior British expertise in this next major undertaking.  Chairman of the Anglo-Omani New Generation Group, Oliver Blake recently highlighted the growing trend of young high flying British couples eager to escape London for the opportunities offered by Oman.


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